InfoQuest! Information ServicesInfoQuest! makes sure your web site works. We provide Internet performance audits and optimization services: accessibility compliance, traffic analytics, search optimization, content development, marketing and promotion strategies, and usability. InfoQuest! also provides research for marketing, planning, competitive intelligence, and product development.
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Designing for Inclusion: Making Websites AccessibleAs of June 21, 2001, US federal agencies must make websites accessible to people with vision impairments, hearing problems, limited dexterity and other disabilities. Section 508, an amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, mandates that people with disabilities be given as easy access to government information, including through websites, as anyone else. Organizations not covered under Section 508 may need to provide accessible websites under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, or other applicable laws. Website accessibility is an international issue: many countries have instituted laws based upon the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) put forth by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). What does this mean for the average website owner? Who needs to comply and how do you do it? Find answers to these questions in this section with information from presentations given by Terry Chadwick on the subject at the April 9, 2002 meeting of Internet Professionals Northwest (IPN); the Internet Librarian 2001 Conference on November 6, 2001 in Pasadena, California; the CHIFOO meeting on Web Site Accessibility on August 22, 2001; and on September 17, 2001 at the Making Information Technology Accessible to Employees and the General Public with Disabilities Program, sponsored by the Northwest Disablity Business Technical Assistance Center (DBTAC). Career PlanningThis presentation for the "Plan is Not a Four Letter Word" program of the Oregon Chapter Special Libraries Association on September 28, 2001 covered career planning and development, and included a list of career-related web resources. Optimizing Your Website for Search Engine Success: 21 Tips for Getting Better RankingsThis presentation was given at the Internet Professionals Northwest meeting on January 9, 2001. Website Usability and Accessibility GuidelinesThis presentation was given at the Internet Professionals Northwest meeting on June 13, 2000. (Last updated September 25, 2000) The Usability section includes a page that lists various validators for accessibility, html and java standards, color-blind optimized sites, and more. (Last updated April 17, 2001.)How to Conduct Research on the InternetThis is the printable course guide that goes along with the seminar of the same name. (110K in length.) (Last updated September 21, 2001.)Business Uses of the InternetThis is the printable course guide that goes along with the seminar of the same name. (80K in length) (Last updated 971020)Integrating Internet Resources with Other MediaThis is the updated text of my presentation for the Solo Librarians Division at the Special Libraries Association (SLA) Annual Conference in Seattle on June 9, 1997. (25K)(Last updated 980213.) Jan Tudor's presentation from the same session, is also available in Powerpoint converted HTML format.Some Internet ResourcesThese are a few resources centering on news, genealogy, other people-finding resources, and general reference resources prepared for a presentation to the Vancouver PC Users Group on May 27, 1997.Internet Resources for the Pulp and Paper IndustryThis is a guide to selected Internet resources for professionals in the pulp and paper industry. (Last updated 20010104)Some Legal Resources on the InternetThis is a guide to some of the legal resources on the Internet that was prepared for the National Association of Bar Executives (NABE) Communications & Public Relations Section Workshop on September 20, 1996.Internet Resources for Performance ImprovementThis is a guide to performance improvement, training & development, and distance learning resources on the Internet that was prepared for the June 4, 1996 meeting of the Portland Chapter of the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI).
IPN is an organization dedicated to promoting the interests of professionals engaged in providing internet services, products and technologies of all kinds. We serve individuals and companies with information, networking, and other benefits. We are based in Portland, Oregon. IPN meets on the Second Tuesday of every month for programs that are designed to help developers and others learn more about how the Internet is changing, and will continue to change the way we do business. The November 12, 2002 program is a special program and mini-trade show on Web Application Platforms: .NET, J2EE, Open Source. Which is best for you? For more information visit our website. Terry Brainerd Chadwick is a founding member, and was the first Vice-President, of IPN. She is currently a member of the Programs Committee and is the list administrator for the IPN discussion group. She was the program coordinator for the July 9, 2002 program on Website Personalization, and the October 8, 2002 program on Effective Web Graphic Design: Techniques for Optimum User Response on October 8, 2002. She will be coordinating forthcoming programs on Information Architecture on April 8, 2003, and Web Analytics on July 8, 2003. Ms. Chadwick was the program coordinator for, and a panelist on, the April 9, 2002 program on Website Usability: Designing Sites for Users where she spoke on Designing for Inclusion: Making Websites Accessible. Terry was also a panelist for the program for the January 9, 2001 IPN meeting on Search Engines Use and Abuse: Preparing Your Site to be Found on the Web, presenting Optimizing Your Website for Search Engine Success: 21 Tips for Getting Better Rankings. She presented Usability and Accessiblity Guidelines at the June 13, 2000 meeting. Her presentation at the June 10, 1997 program on Promoting Your Website, "Web Development for Search Engine Success", a bibliography for the December 10, 1996 program on Browser Wars, and a summary of the May 14, 1996 meeting on What Constitutes a Good Web Site are available on this site.
Portland Downtown LibrariansThe Portland (Oregon) Downtown Librarians are an informal group of information professionals who meet for lunch on the third Wednesday of the month to network, chat, seek information on work-related issues, keep up-to-date with local information-related gatherings, and generally have a good time. Terry Brainerd Chadwick facilitates the group. For more information see OLA - Internet Top TenThe 1995 Oregon Library Association conference presented The Internet's Top Ten on April 28, 1995. A public librarian (Janice Weide, Salem Public Library), an academic librarian (Sara Amato, Central Washington University), and a special librarian (Terry Brainerd Chadwick, InfoQuest! Information Services) presented their favorite Internet resources: serious and not-so. (The URLS for both Public and Special lists were checked and updated 990605.) Cybrargonians on the NetThis is the hyperlinked version of the column about the Internet that appeared in the Oregon Special Library Association's newsletter The Oregonized Librarian between 1995 and 1998.Links to Libraries and Information Professionals OrganizationsPointers to library web sites around the world and to library and information professional-related organizations such as the ALA, SLA, AIIP, and more.Oregon FirstsCheck out the library-related Firsts from James Andrew Long's book Oregon Firsts Past and Present. Also get information on Long's newest book Marching Forward: Women's Firsts in the Northwest.
The categories below represent topics covered in InfoQuest!'s seminars and presentations, as well as topics that are requested a lot by public library patrons. Internet addresses change often, so if you find one that is outdated, please let me know by contacting me at
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