Internet Health and Medical Resources
| General Medical and Health Resources
Pharmaceuticals and Drugs
Alternative Medicine
Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Folklore

Although there are a lot of links on this page, these are by no means all that exist on the WWW for medicine and health. But the sites listed, between all of them, link to the vast majority of relevant websites on the subject. There is a lot of overlap in the sites dealing with alternative medicine and its subset herbal medicine, so if you don't find what you want in one section, check the other.
General Medical and Health Resources
- National Library of Medicine (NLM) Medline: Pubmed
NLM's public free search service gives you access to the 9 million citations in MEDLINE and Pre-MEDLINE (with links to participating on-line journals), and other related databases.
- MedWeb: Biomedical Internet Resources
This site is sponsored by the Emory University Health Science Library website with information organized by country, keyword, and region. It lists medical facilities, specialties, educational resources, topics, and more.
- Medscape
This site provide professional articles on a very wide range of topics and specialties. There is also a drug search section.
- HealthWorld Online
This site is designed as a 24-hour health resource center--a virtual health village where you can access the information, services and products to help design a wellness-based lifestyle. It includes a fitness center, nutrition center, free medline access, health clinic, disease center, alternative & complementary medicine center, and more.
- HealthGate
This site has centers for wellness and healthy living, and covers medicine with free medline searching, behavioral health, drug information, patient educations, nursing, medical education, and hot topic sections. Some of the information is free and some, particularly access to online databases, is fee-based.
- American Medical Association (AMA)
This site has both members-only and general access sections. The general access section gives you access to an online doctor finder, full-text access to a number of journals including JAMA, American Medical News, archives of specialty journals, and consumer health information.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The site contains Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) press releases and articles, Chronic Disease Notes & Reports, Monthly Vital Statistics, Blue Sheets and Green Sheets, Injury Control Update, fact sheets about more than 30 subjects, and more. You can also subscribe to a number of CDC mailing lists including Emerging Infectious Diseases, MMWR, HIV/AIDS MMWR, and Minority Health Statistics.
- MedicineNet
This site contains medical news in its hot topics departments, has alphabetical indices of diseases & treatments and pharmacy & drugs, a medical dictionary, first aid information, health fact archives, poison control centers, ask the experts, and more.
- Oncolink: University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center Research
This site has a survivor stories section, personal essays and experiences; cancer causes, screening, and prevention; clinical trials; cancer news; global resources for cancer information; frequently asked questions (FAQs); financial issues; and more.
- Mediconsult.com: the Virtual Medical Center
This site specializes in chronic medical conditions. It contains educational materials, journal articles, current news, information on clinical trials, and support groups. There are special sections for women's health, men's health, and the health of those aged 55+. Topics include all types of cancer, allergies, bronchitis, AIDS/HIV, arthritis, anxiety, asthma, epilepsy, depression, migraines, strokes, osteoperosis, and much more.
- Diseases, Disorders and Related Topics
Sweden's Karolinska Institute Library and Information Center provides an extensive collection of Web sites related to diseases, health conditions, and disorders. A search brings up articles, FAQs, support groups, research, and more.

| General Medical and Health Resources
Pharmaceuticals and Drugs
Alternative Medicine
Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Folklore

Pharmaceuticals and Drugs
- RxList: The Internet Drug Index
This site has drug actions, interactions, and brands, as well as the top 200 prescriptions for 1995 and 1996.
- Pharmaceutical Information Network
This site contains a drug database organized by generic and trade names with descriptions of drugs and pharmaceuticals, drug FAQs, drug press releases, excerpts from a variety of drug- and medical-related discussion groups, links to other pharmacy-related websites, and more.
PhRMA is an association made up of about 100 pharmaceutical companies. Their website contains facts and figures about the industry, health guides, a database of drugs in development, genomics-related issues, industry and regulatory issues, and current news.
- CenterWatch Clinical Trials Listing Service
This website contains a lot of information about clinical trials for experimental drugs for both patients and research professionals. It has a listing of more than 5,200 clinical trials that are actively recruiting patients, a listing of newly approved drug therapies, and lists of other resources.
- Erowid Entheogen Vaults
This site deals with the spiritual properties of mind-altering substances with a goal of disseminating accurate information. It covers smart drugs, pharmceuticals, herbs and plants, and information about a wide range of natural drugs, including alcohol, opiates, amanitas, mescaline, mushrooms, tobacco, and many more.
- Lycaeum Drug Archives
The Lycaeum works to promote public education about all aspects of psychoactive drugs and drug use, including, but not limited to visionary and entheogenic aspects of drug use, ethnobotany of indigenous cultures, harm reduction, and health and legal risks of drug use.
- DRCNet Online Library of Drug Policy
This site is sponsored by the Drug Reform Coordination Network. It contains a lot of information about drugs and drug policy. It includes the Schaffer Library of Drug Policy which contains every official study done on illicit drugs and drug policy for the last 100 years.
- Non-Testers List: User Guide to Companies that Do Not Drug Test
Besides containing a list of companies that don't drug test, this site contains information and links to information about drug testing, your constitutional rights regarding drug testing, and links to drug policy information.

| General Medical and Health Resources
Pharmaceuticals and Drugs
Alternative Medicine
Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Folklore

Alternative Medicine
- Alternative & Complementary Medicine Center by HealthWorld Online
This site includes a guide to alternative medicine, tips on integrating alternative and mainstream medicine, alternative approaches to specific health conditions, professional referral network, alternative medicine discussion forums, and an alternative medicine reference center. It discusses systems of traditional medicine and alternative and complementary therapies.
- RJOnet's Links for Natural Products, Botanicals, Holistic Medicine
The links on this page are for a number of associations, councils, foundations, universities, journals and other organizations in the alternative medicine area.
- Alternative Medicince Home Page
This site is a jumpstation for sources of information on unconventional, unorthodox, unproven, or alternative, complementary, innovative, integrative therapies. It covers alternative thereapies for AIDS and HIV, mailing lists and newsgroups, practitioners' directories for alternative medicine resources, government resources, and related resources.

| General Medical and Health Resources
Pharmaceuticals and Drugs
Alternative Medicine
Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Folklore

Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Folklore
- Reference Guide for Herbs
This page, which is part of the Ausitn Nutritional Research website, briefly explains the healing aspects of various herbs. The parent site also has reference guides for vitamine, minerals, and amino acids, as well as a lot of other nutritional information.
- Yahoo! - Health; Alternative Medicine; Herbs
Yahoo lists a number of herbal medicine websites, and has special links for St. Johns Wort, herbal medicine companies, and ethnobotany.
- Botanical.com
This is a great site leading to all sorts of plant related information including herbs, medicinal plants, gardening, etc. It includes the hypertext version of "A Modern Herbal", first published in 1931, by Mrs. M. Grieve, that contains Medicinal, Culinary, Cosmetic and Economic Properties, Cultivation and Folk-Lore of Herbs. It also has an excellent page of links and usegroups related to botanical gardens, medicinal herbs, cannibis and drugs, orchids, carnivorous plants, and much more.
- Herb Web
This site covers everything from Akido to ayurveda to faeries and from gardening to herbs and homeopathy. The site is arranged by what you may be wanting to know about herbs: action, ailment, body area, common name, contains, family, indigenous use, Latin name, range, and uses.
- Medicinal Herb FAQ
This is a FAQ for alt.folklore.herbs and the medicinal herblist. It covers both culinary and medicinal herbs, and answers such questions as the differences between valeriana and valium and yohimbe and yohimbine, St. John's Wort as a MAO inhibitor, as well as describing the properties of a wide variety of single herbs.
- SW School of Botanical Medicine
The school, directed by Michael Moore, is in Bisbee, Arizona. It offers a large collection of medicinal plant images, texts of classical research and herb manuals, and regional plant lists. Most are available in both ASCII text and Adobe Acrobat pdf formats.
- A mini-course in Medical Botany
James A. Duke orignially used this resource as a course at the University of Maryland. The website offers a detailed course outline, with links to more descriptive information and valuable online databases in each section. The course's modules are Introductory Botany, Phytochemicals, Formulations, Aromathematic, Herbalist's Desk Reference, American and Amerindian, Micmac, Amazonian, African, Arabic, Ayurvedic, Biblical, Chinese, Hawaiian, Last & Least Dangerous Herbs, European, Green Pharmacy, and Multiple Activities.
- Ethnomedicinals for Research and Development
Anthony R. Torkelson's site is dedicated to the transfer of information on the use of herbs and other natural products in biochemistry, pharmacology, traditional medicine, and magic. He has links to many of the top websites in these areas. The list of EthnoBotanical and Medicinal Plant Data Bases is very comprehensive.
- Ashlynn's Grove Herbs Database
This is a guide to the use of more than 310 herbs. It includes a list of herbs known to be dangerouse to pregnant women, the FDA's list of 9 herbs that can cause serious adverse reactions, a guide to liquid measurements, and a description of many herbs, listed alphabetically, and their uses and contraindications.
- American Botanical Council Herbalgram
This Council educates people about herbs and phytomedicinals. The site describes its reviewed journal Herbalgram, its monographs and papers, research projects, and services.
- University of Washington Medicinal Herb Garden Home Page
You can access the more than 150 images in this herb garden by botanical or common names.
- Medherb.com from Medical Herbalism
This is the website for the journal Medical Herbalism. The site provides links to medical information and to resources relevant to medicinal herbs or herbalism practiced in a clinical setting, regardless of the medical tradition or system. It covers adverse effects, folk uses, pharmacology, anatomy, plant pharmacy, physiology, clinical nutrition, medical databases, ethnobotany, therapeutics, pathology, schools, references, and much more.
- Witch's Brew Herbs Encyclopedia
This page has a short list of herbs and their folk names, gender, parts used, planet, element, deities, and ritual, magic and specific uses. The Witch's Brew site also has a Stones & Gems Directory, and information on candles, elements & directions, divination, brewing, and more.
- The Alchemy Virtual Library
This site has more than 50MB and 1200 sections of information about alchemy, including over 1500 images, 180 alchemical texts, biographical information, articles, references,email groups, and more.
- Herbal Magickal Intention
This chart lists the herbs that go with various intentions such as love, wisdom, strength, spirituality, and prosperity. The parent page on magickal herbs also deals with herb gender, elemental rulers, and planetary rulers. The Sun Dragon Wicca site that houses these herbal magick pages also deals with astrological correspondences, spell correspondences, the Sabbat, elements, rules, tools used in magick, and more.
- Directory of Magical Herbs
This page lists the intentions, the herbs that go with them and their magical uses.

| General Medical and Health Resources
Pharmaceuticals and Drugs
Alternative Medicine
Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Folklore

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