By Janice Wiede, Salem Public Library. From The Internet's Top Ten, a presentation at the 1995 Oregon Library Association conference, April 28, 1995. Periodically updated by Terry Brainerd Chadwick, InfoQuest! Information Services

Browse the reading room, click on on the reference desk to ask a question or explore the services for librarians and Information Professionals.
2. Virtual Reference Desk. gopher://peg.cwis.uci.edu
This site has links to Carl Uncover, AskERIC, Cancer Information for the patient and layperson, and much, much more. A great ready reference source.
This gopher site no longer exists and does not appear to have been replaced in with the same format. Try the Librarians Index to the Internet instead. This is a comprehensive directory to the best Internet resources. (TBC)
Find all kinds of statistical data here. Sources include the "County and City Data Book," "County Business Patterns," and "Statistical Abstract." Check the population clock for an up-to the-second population count.
This site contains SBA documents as well as links to Networth and the Department of Commerce.
Search for information on the 103rd and 104th Congresses here.
Explore Matthew Brady's Civil War photographs in the American Memories Collection.
Search for 800 numbers by category or keyword
Find the text of the Endangered Species Act here
Hundreds of lesson plans, AskERIC's collection of reports and a searchable ERIC are here.
This is loaded with links to federal and business information
This serves as an electronic hard-to-find file for reference librarians.
There is also a Stumpers Website. (TBC)
A real hodgepodge of information including the occult and paranormal, ufos, witchcraft, and astrology.
There is also a Wiretap Website.(TBC)
Explore the winemaking areas of the world here.

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Last updated: Saturday, June 5, 1999
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