Gerontology Resources
Here are some pointers to a variety of aging-related resources sites. These sites contain links to other good gerontology resources sites.

US Government Aging Resources
Social Security Administration (SSA) Home Page
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Home Page
This site leads to a lot of information about health and diseases, including Alzheimer's.
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
The NIA promotes healthy aging by conducting and supporting
biomedical, social, and behavioral research and public education.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (formerly HCFA)
Administration on Aging (AOA)
The AOA has a Resource Directory for Older People
available in several formats.

Other Gerontological Resources Sites
GeroWeb Virtual Library on Aging
Compiled by the Graduate Student Organization and the GeroInformatics Workgroup at the Wayne State University Institute of Gerontology. GeroWeb is designed as an online resource for researchers, educators, practitioners, and others interested in aging and older individuals.
Andrus Gerontology Center, University of Southern California (USC)
This site is designed to be used by educators, researchers, practitioners, and other individuals interested in the study of
gerontology and geriatrics.
SeniorsCan Internet Program (SCIP)
Focus on Canadian resources, with links to many others.
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
The AARP Guide to Internet Resources Related to Aging
Americians with Disabilities Act (ADA) Document Center
This site contains links to the ADA Statute, Regulations, ADAAG (Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines),
Federally Reviewed Tech Sheets, and Other Assistance Documents.
Age Venture: The Voice of Aging America
A news site for older American. It contains Mature Market News headlines, Active Retirement Lifestyle News,
Aging America's Book Reviews, Adventure Travel & Attractions, Senior Market and Retirement Tips, and other
related secions.
Alzheimer Research Forum
This site has researchers, physicians, and generla information sections about Alzheimer Disease.
The general information section contains basic information about the disease, an index to the Alzheimer
Associations around the world, a list of web sites operated by medical centers specializing in diagnosis
and treatment of Alzheimer's disease, an Elder Care online chat for the caregiver community, an ndex of web
sites offering information on issues relating to patient care, and indices to support group and advocacy websites.
Alzheimer's Association
This is the website for the Alzheimer's Association. It has sections for people with Alzheimer's, families
and caregivers, physicians and healthcare professionals, researchers, and the media.

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