Cornell's Legal Information Institute is the first place I look for legal information, foreign constitutions, Supreme, and other, Court Opinions, and government information.
Library of Congress Research Tools
This used to be called Government Information from the Library of Congress. The focus has changed, but it is still a great resource that leads to the Global Information Network, Copyright Office, Thomas Legislative Information, Search Tools for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, American Memory project, Country Studies, Library of Congress catalogs, and much more.
The Internet Multicasting Service, with its gateway to SEC and Patent filings, no longer exists, but there are other sources for the data that used to be available through the site:
- SEC Filings (Edgar)
contains the full text of annual, and other, reports of U.S. public companies.
- US Patent Office
When this was last updated in 1997, the USPTO had discontinued full-text patents; but it offers them again (1999), and full-text Trademarks, as well.
- IBM Patent Server
This site contains bibliographic data and text of all claims of patents issued by the US Patent & Trademark Office
(USPTO), plus World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and European Patents and Applications, and some
Japanese patents dating from 1994. Currently, the server contains patents from 1974 to present, plus some patents issued
during 1971. Patent images are available for patents issued from 1974 to present. You can view scanned images of patent
pages through your web browser or order the patents for a reasonable fee. Unlike the USPTO documents, these are
available in a variety of formats, pdf, tiff, "SmartPatent," fax, and printed. The site also has a browsable version of the US
Patent Classification Directory and a Gallery of Obscure Patents.
- Federal Reserve Board
- General Services Administration.
- GPO Access is my favorite site for general government information. It provides access to a free searchable Commerce Business Daily, Federal Register, US Code, Code of Federal Regulations, as well as many other government docouments.
- U.S. Department of Commerce's Economic Bulletin Board and National Trade Data Bank have excellent data on international trade and US economic information. The drawback is that they are subscription fee-based.
General Country, State, and Local Information
- City.Net contains information about countries and cities around the world. There's some government data here, but there are also subway maps, restaurant guides, museum tours, cultural sites, and much more.
Favorite Newspaper/Newswire
- The News Link This site is sponsored by the American Journalism Review and has links to US and international newspapers, broadcasting, cable, radio, and other news resources.
Favorite Online Newsletters
- The Netsurfer Digest
is my favorite "New Sites on the Internet" newsletter. The best way to get this newsletter is through an HTML version delivered to your
email box. It's also available in text format. Put:
subscribe nsdigest-text or subscribe nsdigest-html (preferred) in body of message.
Edupage, available through Educom is a tri-weekly summary of news in the field of information technology. To get it delivered to your
email box put:
Subscribe edupage Your_Name in body of message.
NewsScan Daily is similar to Edupage, since it is published by former Edupage editors,ohn Gehl and Suzanne Douglas. It comes out 5 days a week with the latest news in the field of information technology. Issues alternate with "Honorary Subscribers" and "Worth Thinking About" features. You can subscribe on the website or by email,, putting 'subscribe' in the subject line.
Favorite Commercial Sites
- Hoover's Online This site offers a mix of free and fee-based company information. You can get free capsules -- basic data about companies and links to stock, news, and SEC information -- on about 10,000 companies, and fuller profiles for a small fee. It's the first place I check when looking for basic information about a company.
- Market Guide This site is similar to Hoover's but focuses on public companies and takes more of a financial approach, giving information about stock, price charts, P/E ratios, etc.
- Company Link: Company Lookup This site says that it contains news, research, and contacts for 65,000 companies. The company capsules have links to Hoovers, CorpTech, and other company information resources.
Favorite Entertainment Sites
- I don't often get a chance to see the latest movies. TheMovie Web gives me a sense of what I'm missing. You can reach Disney, United Artists, Universal, Grammercy, 20th Century Fox, and other movie sites through here. See clips of the latest movies, hear and see interviews with the stars and directors, download still pictures and cartoons, and more. And for the complete cast listings of movies, or the complete movie listings of actors, you can't beat the Internet Movie Database.
- Though the 2Xist Underwear Catalog is a commercial catalog site, I browse it for entertainment.
- Companies are told to constantly update their sites with new information and promotions, but I know many people who keep coming back to this Men's Underwear Catalog although the contents don't change a lot. This is an example of a simple, but well-done clothing catalog that displays it's products very nicely. (WARNING: Features pictures of scantily clothed men.)

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Last updated: June 5, 1999.
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