Some HTML Style Guides
Top 10 Ways to Tell if You Have a Sucky Home Page
A humorous but enlightening description of the bad in web sites. Two related pages expand on the concept: Top 10 ways to improve your home page and Top 10 ways to improve your Netscape browsing experience.
The Ten Commandments of HTML FAQ
Presenting some of the DOs and DON'Ts of Web design in an easy and fun to absorb manner.
What Makes a Great Web site? by
A easily understandable and concise article that discusses the characteristics of a good web site.
Designing Accessible Web Sites
This Web site contains resources about how design html pages to increase their accessibility to users with disabilities. There is information on web design guidelines, browsers with built-in voice and access features, how to make standard browsers more accessible, model web sites, and more.
IPN panelist Kelly Ford runs a mailing list called that is a low volume list talking about accessibility issues. If you are interested in how well your web site works with speech you can ask for people on the list to give it a test drive.
Sun on the Net: Guide to Web Style.
This is an excellent guide to writing good Web pages by a company consistently rated highly as having an excellently designed web site.
Employee Computer Training Center Resources for Designing your own Web Pages.
This site contains links to an excellent set of Web development resources, including design considerations, guides for HTML authors, templates, color, graphics, forms, browser comparisons, and more.

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Last updated May 14, 1996.
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Logo graphics by Patrick Beart, Web Architecture.