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Section 508 Standards: Make Meaning Independent of Color

Section 508 Standards: Subpart B -- Technical Standards: § 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

(c) Web pages shall be designed so that all information conveyed with color is also available without color, for example from context or markup.

Table of Contents

Previous: Synchronize Multimedia | Next:- Style Sheets

Accessibility Introduction | What is Accessibility? | Why is Accessibility Important? | W3 Consortium Guidelines | Section 508 Standards | ADA and Disabilities Guidelines | Accessibility Audit | References and Resources | InfoQuest!

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Copyright 2001 InfoQuest! Information Services
Last updated: September 17, 2001, 2000
Please send any comments to or 503-228-4023.
Terry Brainerd Chadwick
InfoQuest! Information Services
2324 NW Johnson St., Ste.4
Portland, OR 97210-5221