Some Internet Resources by Terry Brainerd Chadwick
Vancouver PC Users Group, May 27, 1997

- How to Conduct Research on the Internet
Terry Brainerd Chadwick
- http://www.tbchad.com/
- The Columbian
This is the online version of Vancouver, Washington's daily newspaper. It contains daily stories, editorials, and special features; weather; business trends; links to other community-oriented websites in Vancouver; educational and family resources; a people finder; and more.
- http://www.columbian.com/
- Oregon Reference
This is a fantastic site containing government, media, educational, and travel resources for Oregon and Washington.
- http://www.teleport.com/~samc/index1.html
- Hansaprint's links to the Yellow and White Pages of the World
This Finnish resource lists yellow and white pages websites around the world. There are about 35 websites that provide phone and address information for the US and Canada.
- http://www.hansaprint.fi/eypeng.html
- Ancestry Home Town
This is a genealogy website that includes a genealogy library where you can search more than 52 million names in 40 databases that include the Social Security Death Index, American Marriage Records, marriage records for several states, and more. This is a free source but you must register to use it.
- http://www.ancestry.com/
- Adoptee and Genealogy Page from Carrie's Crazy Quilt
Carrie Bodensteiner has put together an excellent page listing a massive wealth of resources for people looking for their family and family trees. It includes links to state, national, and international genealogy sites; the Social Security Administration and its death index; Army Locator page and Veterans Archive; Reunion Net homepage; Surname to soundex converter; and much more.
- http://www.mtjeff.com/~bodenst/page3.html
- News Link
News Link, a resource of the American Journalism Review, is one of the Web's most comprehensive online news resource. It lists 4,000 links to newspapers, magazines, broadcasters and
news services worldwide, and includes a Top 10 list, daily spotlight and on-line news research.
- http://www.newslink.org/
- Mercury Mail
Get a free daily newspaper delivered by email that is customed tailored to your reading desires. This is a text-based email newspaper that lists first the headlines, then short summaries or the stories, with longer descriptions a click away.
- http://www.merc.com/
- News Page
News Page also custom tailors news to your needs. It is web-based, and has different level of subscriptions. You choose the fields in which you are interested and can log in to see daily articles from hundreds of sources that cover those subjects. You get to see brief paragraphs summarizing the articles and can get the full-text, usually for a fee. There is a free basic level that allows you to see a few full-text articles free and two other levels of article that are fee-based.
- http://www.newspage.com/
- Wall Street Research Net
Provides many links to company information, US and international stock and bond market data, research publications, economic information, and more.
- http://www.wsrn.com/
- ZIP Code Lookup and Address Information
This site, sponsored by the US Postal Service, allows you to search for zip codes.
- http://www.usps.gov/ncsc/
- Area Codes
This site allows you to search for area codes for North America.
- http://www.netscapepress.com/support/javascript/areacode.htm
- Internet Public Library Reference Section
This site contains links to dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedias, quotations, genealogy, phone numbers, associations on the net, calendars, and many other general reference resources.
- http://ipl.sils.umich.edu/ref/RR/static/ref0000.html

Terry Brainerd Chadwick
InfoQuest! Information Services
Ph: 503-228-4023 Fax: 503-220-1934 E-mail: tbchad@tbchad.com
URL: http://www.tbchad.com/vpcug.html