Cybrargonians on the Net #9
By Terry Brainerd Chadwick, InfoQuest! Information Services
There are hundreds of good international trade resources available on the Internet. The following are just a sampling of a few good metasites, some US Government and Oregon trade sites, and a few more specialized sources of international trade information. Keeping with the theme, the Fun Stuff this time is devoted to non-US entertainment sites.
General International Trade Resources
- International Affairs Research Network
This is the site of the World-Wide Web Virtual Library subject guide on international affairs.-
- International Business Resources on WWW, Michigan State University
A very good collection of annotated links to other international business sites.-"
- Tradeport International Trade and Export Assistance
Tradeport contains a comprehensive set of trade information, trade leads, and company databases. It is managed by the Bay Area Economic Forum, LA TRADE, and the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce. After registration, access to Tradeport is free. The site includes a market research library, trade statistics, trade leads and job opportunitities, a trade events calendar, and links to other international trade sites.-
- InfoQuest! International Trade Resources
This site by Terry Chadwick is the source of this article, and contains many more links than are available here.-
US Government International Trade Resources
- Stat-USA
This site has the National Trade Data Bank and other international trade resources. Requires fee-based subscription.-
- US International Trade Commission
Besides containing a searchable database of the US Harmonized Tariff Schedule and rules and procedures for Customs, this site has an excellent set of international trade links that is divided by the following topics: data sets, information by industry and country, legal, trade assistance, newsgroups and mailing lists, etc.-
- International Trade Administration
The ITA website has links to all of the major export-oriented US government websites.-
Oregon International Trade Resources
- Export Oregon
Sponsored by the Oregon Trade Conference and the Oregon International Trade Council, this website has a lot of information about trade services available in Oregon, export tips, and links to other Oregon trade-related organizations.-
- Oregon International Resource Center
The International Division of the Oregon Department of Economic Development sponsors this site which includes Oregon export statistics, country and regional market information from Stat-USA, trade terms and products classification information, information on how to export and on business etiquette and cultural issues, and other trade and shipping related information.-
- World Trade Center Portland, Oregon
Some Specialized International Trade Resources
- United Nations
This is the Official Web Site Locator for the UNITED NATIONS System of Organizations.-
- Europa
This is the official website of the Europan Union. It is available in all of the major European languages. It includes press releases, policies, and links to the major Europan Union institutions' websites, including the Parliament, Council, Commission, Court of Justice, and Investment Bank.-
- JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization)
This site contains a lot of information about how to do business with Japan, including procurement, facts and figures, 1997 International Trade White Paper, basic Japanese for businessmen, market report database, and JETRO publications.-
- The Journal of Commerce
This site contains articles about international trade news, current and past from the Journal of Commerce, an industrial price index, top 100 importers and exporters, a wide range of shipping-related links, trade leads, and links to other JOC publications and services.-
- International Trade Law Monitor
This site has information about international treaties, model laws and arbitration agreements, international organizations, and other international legal information.-
- A-Z Worldwide Airfreight Directory
This site lists Airlines, Airlines' General Sales Agents, Airports, Cargo Agents and Freight Forwarders, Cargo Handling Agents, Express Operators and Couriers, and Services and Supplies.-
- World Trade Centers Association
You can use this site to locate local World Trade Centers around the world, along with information about their services. The site also has a members only section with access to the D&B Exporter's Encyclopedia, WTCA trade leads, Stat-USA trade leads, Trade Flow Pricing System, and the World Business Directory.-
- International Chamber of Commerce City-State-Province Directory
This is a searchable database of links to Chambers of Commerce around the world. The site also has a webforum with topics on business information and small business.-
The following are some non-US entertainment-related websites. There's a bit of trivia, movies and music, and humor. For the sake of most of my readers, and because I am unfortunately monolingual, I've chosen sites that are available in English.
- Absolutely Positively Useless Trivia
This New Zealand site promises a collection of everything you don't need to know.-
- India Express: Apun Ka Choice
Read about the latest top movies and music in India on this website.-
- Dry Bones
Dry Bones is the political comic strip of the Jerusalem Post in Israel. Like most political comic strips around the world, this will make as many people cringe as smile or nod their heads in agreement.-
- Pulse Interactive
Visit this site to find out about all of the media, events, news, music, clubs, shops, and art going on in The Netherlands. This site has some parts in Dutch and others in English.-
- Happening: Singaport's Arts & Entertainment Guide
Check out the latest that is happening in the lighter side of Singapore.-
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Copyright October 1997, Terry Brainerd Chadwick. Reproduction/distribution is allowable for non-profit purposes with the author's consent.
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