Cybrargonians on the Net #8
By Terry Brainerd Chadwick, InfoQuest! Information Services
This issue is devoted to a few of the recent resources that will help you "stretch" yourself to learn the new skill sets and competencies that librarians will need to survive in the 21st century. These resources are designed to be used in conjunction with the Oregon SLA September kickoff breakfast "Stretch Yourself Awake" on September 16th, 1997. The "Fun Stuff" for this issues continues the theme by providing resources on the best ways to stretch your physical selves.
Stretching Your Skills for the Future
- Competencies for Special Librarians of the 21st Century, October 1996
Prepared for the SLA Board by the Special Committee on Competencies for Special Librarians, Joanne Marshall, Chair; Bill Fisher; Lynda Moulton; and Roberta Piccoli
This report examines both the professional and personal competencies that special librarians will need to have to provide the information edge for the knowledge-based organizations of the coming years.- Executive Summary:
- Full Report:
- Technology and Training for Libraries in Transition: A Report to the New York State Education Department Office of Technology Policy Analysis and Development, March 1996
New York Library Association Ad Hoc Committee on Librarians' Training Needs
This report examines the new skill sets that librarians will need to meet the needs of the public in the coming years to ensure that we will not be a nation of information haves and have-nots. The report discusses the changing roles of libraries, skills required of libraries and library staff, the types of training needed to gain those skills, and has recommendations for how these skills can be implemented in New York. There is also an extensive list of works cited in and consulted for the report.-
- Renaissance Librarians
The American Association of Law Libraries commissioned a committee to redefine law librarianship in light of the radical changes in systems of information delivery and to recommend measures the AALL might take to facilitate the transformation of the profession in accord with that definition. The report summary and article listed below present a historical context for the changes occurring as well as presenting a redefined role for law librarians and other information professionals in the future.- Special Committee Report: Toward a Renaissance in Law Librarianship, 1996; Contact: Kathleen Carrick:
- Renaissance Librarians, Searcher, November-December, 1996, by Carol Ebbinghouse:
- Collaborations Partnerships Between Librarians and Information Technologists, from the Conference on Networked Information in an International Context, Feb. 9 & 10, 1996, Heathrow, UK
by Joan Lippincott, Assistant Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information
This presentation discusses the changing relationships and growing cooperation and collaboration between librarians and computer professionals. It describes the kinds of responsibilities and skills that these collaborations will need, and the characteristics of good partnerships.-
- The Role of Librarians in Distance Education, 1997
by Darlene Holowachuk
This is a very thoughtful paper that describes the changing trends in education and the impact these trends have on the delivery of library service. Although the focus is on academia, the issues raised are relevant for every librarian who serves a distributed clientele.-
- We are Tomorrow's Librarians: References
by Karen Schneider
This is the suggested readings list for Schneider's list of the top characteristics of the future librarian. The top ten characteristics include: bilingual, ecumenical, pragmatic planners, party-poopers, party animals, snake-oil salespeople, the pit-bulls of technology, literacy instructors, aggressive imperialists, and champions of freedom. (Last updated Oct. 25, 1996)-
- Schneider has some other skills related top ten lists at:
Some Skills Resource Sites
- Internet Guides, Tutorials, and Training Information
The Library of Congress has collected links to a number of sites that teach people how to use the Internet and trainers how to teach about the Internet.-
- Internic 15 Minute Series
Internic has put together a number of tools for Internet trainers. These are a set of modular 15 minute Powerpoint and HTML presentations on a number of Internet-related topics, including Internet History, electronic mail, indexing and search service, World Wide Web, basics, tools, and technologies.-
- Internet Library for Librarians
This site, sponsored by Infoworks Technology Company, contains a comprehensive list of links to sites of use to librarians, including ready reference, librarianship (collection development, administrative management, cataloging and archiving, automation, etc.), and much more.-
- The Web Developers Virtual Library
This site contains just about everything you need to know to develop websites from html to authoring, multimedia to graphics, and software to reference. There are both beginning and advanced reference sources here.-
- TCM's Training & Development Resource Center
This is a great reference site for training, distance education, human resources, and other related sites that can help you advance your basic skills and competencies in teaching yourself and others how to compete and survive in the 21st century.-
- ZDNet University (ZDU)
Ziff Davis offers online courses including programming (ActiveX, Java, C++, Visual Basic), Implementing Intranets, Internet Advertising, How to Build a Small Business Website, webmastering skills (basic and advanced HTML, Java, frames, FrontPage, stylesheets), Design (graphics, Photoshop), Building Your Own PC, server administration, database programming, and other applications courses. The courses usually last 6 to 8 weeks and cost $4.95 per month.-
Continuing the "stretching" theme, these are sites that help you to stretch physically. They contain information on stretching exercises, how to keep yourself fit and focused while working in your office and on your computer, and so forth.
- Stretching and Flexibility: Everything You Never Wanted to Know
by Brad Appleton
This document is a FAQ on stretching that is found on several sites on the Internet. It is a several chapter text about stretching: the physiology of stretching, flexibility, types of stretching, and how to stretch. Here are two of the sites that carry the FAQ.-
- Stretch
This page contains a short list of things to do every half hour or so when you are working at your computer. It also has links to information about repetitive stress and typing injuries and about ergonomic computing.-
- Stretching
This set of pages, which are part of Ross Deforrest's martial arts site, has information about how to stretch correctly and describe ballistic, isometric, active, passive, static, and PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) forms of stretching.-
- Fitness Link: Stretching Excercises
The stretching exercises described on this page include neck rotation, shoulder stretch, forearm stretch, shoulder stretch, trunk stretch, torso twist, chest stretch, back stretch, hip roll, lower back stretch, butterfly stretch, and more.-
- Stretching
This page contains an illustrated set of stretching exercises that you do in the shower, and has links to information about exercises for back and neck care.-
- Caring For Your Wrist
This page explains how to reduce Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI) through ergonomics, exercise, and stress reduction.-
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Copyright August 1997, Terry Brainerd Chadwick. Reproduction/distribution is allowable for non-profit purposes with the author's consent.
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