Cybrargonians on the Net #4
By Terry Brainerd Chadwick, Infoquest! Information Services
This issue looks at training and development resources on the Internet, fun stuff on the Net that kids and parents can explore together, and a new site designed to foster relationships between copyright owners and developers of electronic works.
Digital Copyright Issues
- NetRights, Ltd.
This web site has an excellent collection of links to Web sites on the issues surrounding intellectual property protection as they relate to digitally-distributed content and to the organizations involved in these issues. The site also contains the NetRights CreatorBase, an online database which promotes commerce between digital artists and creators. It puts developers of content -- multimedia and software developers, editors, producers, Webmasters -- in contact with creators of content elements, such as writers, musicians, animators, graphics artists, videographers and others. Creators register on the database which can be searched by end users, businesses, or other creators interested in related works or topics. This is definitely a site to put on your hotlist for electronic intellectual property issues..
- http://www.netrights.com/
Training and Development Resources on the Net
It's hard to keep up with all the changes going on these days within a business. Managers are moving from TQM to BPR and a host of other acronymed management and production methods; computer software changes faster than you can blink an eye; more things are becoming automated; and we're all having to work with diverse and difficult people. We need to be trained in how to deal with all of these changes and challenges. The Internet offers a wide range of resources for people involved in the business of training people for change. The few resources listed here will point you to many other resources available on the subject.
- Training and Development List (TRDEV-L)
With over 2500 subscribers from 43 countries, this is one of the primary discussion groups for the exchange of information on training and development. Because of the volume of exchange, it automatically comes in digest format. To subscribe, send a message to:
No subject; In the body of the message write:
SUBSCRIBE TRDEV-L your_name (doesn't need to be capitalized)
- The Web site for TRDEV-L contains an introduction to the discussion group, a directory to the Web pages of TRDEV-L subscribers, and transcripts from T&D Internet TV -- an experiment using CU-SeeMe to conduct live on-line videoteleconferencing among TRDEV-L subscribers.
- http://milkman.cac.psu.edu/~dlp/TRDEV/trdev-l.html
- TCM's Training & Development Home Page
This site contains a comprehensive set of training and development tools available on the Internet, including more than 50 non-commercial training-related web sites, gopher sites, Usenet newsgroups, listserves, e-mail addresses for training-related organizations and publications, T&D Job Mart, T&D Business Showcase, and more. The Professional's Toolbox is a great multi-purpose page to add to your hotlist. It has top search tools, news of the world, travel aids, and reference tools.
- http://www.tcm.com/trdev/
- The Learning Exchange: FAQs for the Training & Development Community
These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) postings are an on-line source for information on learning, training, instructional technology, and other useful topics related to adult education and improving the way people learn and teach. The FAQs cover everything from major Internet resources, organizations in the field, fundamental T&D books, the basic terms and concepts involved in T&D, periodicals in the field and their online equivalents, etc. The FAQs are maintained by Marcia Conner.
- http://www.tcm.com/trdev/faq/
- Training and Management Development via the Internet
This site, developed by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson, covers corporate training and management development via the Internet, including e-mail conferencing, BBSs, WWW-sites, and MOOs. It has a good set of resources including a number on distance learning and training via the Internet that aren't covered in the resources listed above, though it does emphasize Wilson's works and services.
- http://www.garlic.com/rfwilson/trdev/
Fun Stuff
These web sites are fun for kids and adults to explore together, and they're educational too. Or explore them without the kids; we won't tell. :-)
- The Yuckiest Site on the Internet
Featuring Cockroach World and billed as the "grossest family site" on the Net, this site uses the technological wonders of the WWW to teach science to kids using eye-popping graphics and yucky, yet fascinating, subject matter to turn site visitors into science enthusiasts. Live a day in the life of a cockroach, view a cockroach's guts, and more.
- http://www.nj.com/yucky/
- Volcano World
Let Rocky the Volcano guide you through everything you ever wanted to know about volcanoes. You can visit volcanoes around the world, including Mt. St. Helens where you can get current weather readings, watch a movie of the eruption, see pictures of what has happened since. Supported by NASA's Program on Public Use of Earth and Space Science Data Over the Internet, this site has a four-star rating from Magellan.
- http://volcano.und.nodak.edu/
- Rainforest Action Network
This site, which is full of all sorts of information about the organization's environmental activities, also has a wonderful Kid's Corner which is a delight to explore. Another nice thing about the Rainforest Action Network is that is available in both gopher and Web formats, so that those lacking graphical browsers can also get access to the environmental information.
- http://www.ran.org/ran/
- Since RAN can be difficult to access, also be sure to try
Welcome to the Jungle which is chock full of rainforest information, stories, pictures, and links to other rainforest web sites.
- http://fig.cox.miami.edu/Faculty/NickCarter/rainforests.html
- NASA K-12 Internet: Online from Jupiter
NASA has been doing a fantastic job of making the Galileo journey, its pictures of Jupiter, and everything else you'd want to know about space exploration available to kids and their parents and teachers.
- http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/jupiter.html
- Kids.com
This is a site designed for kids, though there is a special section for parents. The site includes sections on web sites produced by kids, web sites of special interest to kids including the San Francisco Exploratorium, newsgroups for kids, toys and educational toys for kids, kids organizations and more.
- http://kids.com/

Please send any suggestions or coments to tbchad@teleport.com. Cybrargonians on the Net will be archived at: http://www.teleport.com/~tbchad/index.html. The Net versions contain direct links to the resources mentioned in the articles.
Copyright January 1996, Terry Brainerd Chadwick. Reproduction/distribution without the author's consent is allowable so long as it is for non-profit purposes.


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