Cybrargonian #2

Cybrargonians on the Net #2
By Terry Brainerd Chadwick, Infoquest! Information Services
This issue focuses on jobs and human resources managment resources available on the Internet.
Human Resources, Personnel Management, and Jobs on the Internet
Are you job hunting? Is your Human Resources department trying to find new ways to advertise job openings. Do they need access to current legislation and regulations, or want to find out the newest trends in their field? Add the Internet as one of your resources to answer human resources and job questions. The resources briefly described below are good starting points.
Employment Opportunities and Job Resources on the Internet, also known as The Riley Guide, compiled by Margaret F. Riley, is a comprehensive job-oriented Web site that covers everything from telling you how to incorporate the Internet into your job search strategy and career-planning process to listing recruiters and jobs by resource type:
Arts and Humanities,
Business and Related Fields
Computing and Technology
Cooperative Education, Internships, and Summer Work
Government Job Listings
Science, Agriculture, and the Environment
Social Sciences
Miscellaneous Fields and Job Listings
Resources for International Job Opportunities
There are also pointers to jobs by state and links to related job and career planning sites.
The Riley Guide:
Washington & Lee University has pulled together a wide range of job related sites including the Occupational Outlook Handbook, Best Bets Job Search and Employment Opportunities Index, Peterson's Guides to Graduate Study, Princeton Review, Online Career and Job Center, Career Magazine, and many more.
Career Information:
CareerNet bills itself as the the Web's instant link to more than 15,000 jobs, plus links to nearly every career-related web site, plus extensive general and regional career resources.
Human Resources Management
Both Trade Wave Galaxy and Yahoo are good places to start looking for information on human resources management. The Galaxy site includes links to sites with information on benefits, employee relations , recruiting, newsgroups on human resources, and more. The Yahoo site is more company-oriented and features many companies in the human resources management business and things like software used in the field.
Trade Wave Galaxy:
Quite a few universities and companies Human Resources departments have information available via the Internet. Examples include:
The University of California at Irving:
Johns Hopkins: :
Greenberg Trister Turner are a Canadian law firm who specialize in Human Resources. There site provides some information on human resources management and links to related sites.
Greenberg Trister Turner:
One of the easiest ways to keep up with pending and current Federal legislation and regulations is through Thomas: Legislative Information on the Internet. Thomas contains hot bills, searchable by topic, legislation from the 103rd and 104th Congresses, the Congressional Record, links to other Federal government sites, and links to State and Local government legislative information Internet sites. August Thomsas Hot Legislation related to the Human Resources field includes:
Job training: S. 143, S. 904
Labor: H.R. 1617, H.R. 2127, S. 143, S. 904
Social security: H.R. 483, H.R. 1134, H.R. 1215, H.R. 1217, H.R. 1327, S. 1028

Fun Stuff
Do you ever feel the need for a chuckle or a roll on the floor laugh in the middle of the day? To satisfy that urge, all you need to do is link into one of the dozens of cartoon and comics pages on the Net.
Almost everyone everyone loves cartoons and comic strips, so it is no surprise that there is everything from discussion groups to independent cartoons to syndicated comics available through the Internet. Use of a graphics Web browser is recommended when visiting these sites.
Although many Internet junkies adore Dilbert, my favorite daily Internet cartoon strip is Computer Cartoons by John M. Zakour. Where Dilbert focuses on the office, Computer Cartoons poke fun at how everyone uses, or tries to use, computers and the Internet.
Computer Cartoons:
My favorite Cartoon gateway is through Nova Inter-Links Cartoon page which prominently features Dr. Fun's provacative daily color cartoons. There are also links to Computer Cartoons, Borderline, Dilbert, Modern World, and more.
Nova Cartoons page:
Dr. Fun:
Modern World:
The Comic Strip is another gateway to cartoons on the Net. It
features a lot of the traditional newspaper comic strips such as Marmaduke, Rose is Rose, Peanuts, Alley Oop, Drabble, Jump Start, and Robotman.
Comic Strip:
Try these out and don't be surprised if you laugh so loudly that all of your colleauges come running to see what's so funny.

Please send any suggestions or coments to Cybrargonians on the Net will be archived at:
The Net versions will contain direct links to the resources mentioned in the articles.
Copyright August 1995, Terry Brainerd Chadwick. Reproduction/distribution without the author's consent is allowable so long as it is for non-profit purposes.


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