Cybrargonians on the Net #10
By Terry Brainerd Chadwick, InfoQuest! Information Services
Do you want to know how your salary compares to others in your field? Have you been asked to check out the going salaries for a job category in a particular part of the US or rest of the world and not known where to find the information? The Web has a wide variety of resources, both free and fee-based, that can help you. This issue focuses on websites containing information on salary surveys, comparative salaries, and other wage and compensation information.
Salary Surveys and Compensation Reports
- SLA 1997 Salary Survey
This page contains a summary and list of tables for the 1997 Special Libraries Association Salary Survey, as well as order information for the full report.-
- JobSmart Profession-Specific Salary Surveys
This careers and job hunting website has a section devoted to salary surveys for more than 37 professions, as well as a general salary survey area.-
- Wage Questions and Resources
by Oregon Labor Market Information System (OLMIS)
This Oregon Employment Division website takes a question and answer approach to providing resources about wage and salary information. The resources listed and linked to include Oregon wage information for about 300 occupations in Adobe Acrobat pdf format, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Occupational Outlook Handbook, Yahoo Salary Surveys, Federal Wage Scales, Occupational Employment Statistics for Oregon, BLS Covered Employment and Wages, as well as occupational and career information resources.-
- Worldwide Remuneration 1997
by Towers Perrin
This portion of a larger report includes graphs (in Adobe Acrobat pdf format) that compare salaries by country in US dollars for manufacturing employees, accountants, human resources directors, and CEOs; aftertax total cash compensation for human resources directors and CEOs; typical retirement income for manufacturing employees, and a forecast of salary increases for 1998. The report is available in several languages.-
- The Towers Perrin website offers more publications and services in the employee benefits and compensation and human resources arena. Some of the publications that are available for no fee on their website include: Tower Perrin Monitor, Perspectives on Management Pay, and Worldwide Pay and Benefits Headlines.
- Rewarding Employees
by William M. Mercer
This page includes a number of compensation surveys and compensation planning reports in Adobe Acrobat pdf format. These documents include: 1997 Global Compensation Planning Report, 1998 Global Compensation Planning Report, CEO Pay: Companies Do Pay For Performance, Global Competencies, Performance And Pay Publication, and U.S. Compensation Planning Surveys.-
- IOMA's Report on Salary Surveys
by the Institute of Management & Administration
IOMA has a fee-based publication called Report on Salary Surveys available for $199 for 12 issues. The website summarizes some of the reports that are available, with some good tabular data on IS and Network salaries within different business types and by region; manager salaries; web-related business salaries; and other summaries.-
- Salary and Total Compensation Planning Services
by the Clayton Wallis Co.
This site offers fee-based salary and compensation projections based on region of the country, occupation, performance level, average annual salary increase assumption, time period, and other criteria for as little as $39.-
- Compensation and Benefits Reports
by Abbott, Langer & Associates
This firm has made summaries and the tables of contents of their compensation and wage differential reports available on the web for no fee. A few of the reports available are: Compensation of Industrial Engineers, Compensation in Research & Development, Salaries and Bonuses in the Service Department, Compensation in the Security/Loss Prevention Field, Compensation in Nonprofit Organizations (results from over 2,000 participating organizations), Compensation in Manufacturing, Compensation in the MIS/dp Field, Compensation & Benefits in Consulting Firms, Income in Sales/Marketing Management, Inter-City Wage & Salary Differentials (based on the pay of over 3 million employees), Compensation in the Human Resources Field, Compensation of Legal & Related Jobs, and Compensation in the Accounting/Financial Field.-
- ACA Compensation Publications
by the American Compensation Association
The compensation publications available for purchase on this site include ACA Salary Budget Survey Report, CEO Pay: A Comprehensive Look, and Raising the Bar: Using Competencies to Enhance Employee Performance.-
- Annual Domestic Survey References
by Watson Wyatt Data Services
This page contains a list of the fee-based publications that Watson Wyatt conducts on compensation that span the spectrum of corporate personnel, from entry-level trainees to top executives and board members. Their database contains information on more than 1.2 million employees in more than 1,500 positions, reported by over 5,000 companies nationwide.-
- You can order a catalog of their products from:
Many thanks to Lorna M. Dailey of Bedford Research Consultants for alerting me to many of the resources cited in this section.
Salary Calculators and Cost of Living Comparisons
- International Salary Calculator: relocation, cost of living, real estate
by Homebuyer's Fair
This calculator allows you to compare the cost of living in hundreds of US and international cities. You enter your salary in the city you now live in, and input the name of another city. The calculator will tell you how much you will need to earn in the destination city to maintain the same standard of living. For instance, if you earn $30,000 in Portland, OR, you will need to make $74,992 to have the same lifestyle in Manhattan.-
- U.S. Cost-of-Living Comparisons For 399 U.S. Job Markets
by DataMasters
This calculator works pretty much the same way as the previous one, but with fewer locations. I could choose a $30,000 income in Portland, OR, but could only specify to New York City in total, with a resulting answer of $56701.13.-
- Cost-of-living comparator
by Online Money
This salary comparison site offers a lot of choices, and you don't need to enter a salary to make it work -- it will tell you the increase or decrease in buying power. It says I would have to earn $51,421.79 in Manhattan to have the same purchasing power as I do in Portland, OR, or a 71.42% increase.-
A couple of sites for when you need a laugh.
- 10 Laughs a Day
Two new cartoons every weekday with ten categories to choose from: pets, business, computers, just for laughs, risque, medical, funny, law, depraved, and politics.-
- The Worthless Page List
This page contains links to some of the most worthless, and funniest, websites on the Net, including 1001 Uses for Duct Tape, the Fart Farm, How to Keep an Idiot Busy, John's Amazing Cow Tipping page, the Capt. James T. Kirk Sing-a-Long page, and Marshmallow Bunny Survival Test.-
Please send any suggestions or comments to Cybrargonians on the Net will be archived at: Copyright January 1998, Terry Brainerd Chadwick. Reproduction/distribution is allowable for non-profit purposes with the author's consent.
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