Arts & Entertainment Resources
| Movies & TV | Comics & Cartoons | Jokes/General Humor | Games & Gameshows | Literature | Music | Art | E-Greeting Cards | Food/Recipes | Sports/Outdoors | Miscellaneous |
Movies & TV
- Internet Movie Database
You can search this site by movie or TV title, by actor or actress, or by subject. The movies and TV pages list year, studio and producers, directors, cast, crew, music, and other credits. Actor pages list the productions, roles and often have some brief biographical information. The site also has entertainment news, movie events today (birthdays, marriages, deaths), boxoffice charts, Oscar winners, and related information.
- MovieWeb
This site provides previews of current and upcoming films from the major movie studios, and has an archive of its clips going back to 1995. The site also has daily studio briefings, top boxoffice winners of the past weekend, celebrity photos, and all-time boxoffice winners. There are also links to the major movie studios.
- Stanford Movies Database
These are comprehensive, simple, but large, HTML files that provide basic information about movies (1MB), casts (3MB), actors (806K), quotes (5K), directors & producers (325K), and more. Many of the larger files are also available in smaller alphabetically divided files. The site is particularly good for older actors and movies, since it is not regularly updated and dates of work for actors are not accurate. There is a special database about Alfred Hitchcock.
- All Movie Guide
This site plans to be the largest database of film information on the Web. You can search by movie, person, keyword, plotline, authors, people who have worked together, and more. You can also read movie news and interviews, or browse films by genre, country, or time.
- The Ultimate TV Show List
Contains information on more than 1300 TV shows and has links to the different networks. You can search or browse by category or resource type.
- TV Guide Listings for Your Zipcode
Enter your zipcode and see what's playing in your area.
- TV Episode Guides from Galaxy
This is a simple list of links to the episode guides for a lot of current and past TV shows. (There are a number of dead links in this guide.)
- Universal Channel
Universal Studios produces many TV series, including Hercules and Xena)
- The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
This site has episode information, links to the TNT and other B5 websites, information on the characters and settings, and related resources.
- Highlander: the Series
This site contains episode guides, history of the series, information about the cast, film previews, photos, and other information about the series. Another site with information about both the series and the movie is The Unofficial Highlander Archive Site.
- Star Seeker Entertainment
This site has links to the other major entertainment sites, best links for particular TV shows and movies, links to stations and studios, music links, information on actors and supermodels and cartoons, entertainment news and more.
- Hollywood Online
This site has movie, videos, and TV guides and reviews; entertainment news; trailers and clips; a daily almanac; information about stars; and much more.
- United International Pictures
This site contains information and film clips from a number of films from studios including MGM, United Artists, Paramount, and Universal. The site has an international focus with a special on the Cannes Film Festival and links to UIP sites in the United Kingdom, Argentina & Germany.
- The Trailer Park
This site has movie news, descriptions, cast lists, previews and trailers of upcoming, new, & past movies.
- American Film Institute
This site contains information about AFI's programs, classes, preservation projects, awards, and other projects and services.
- Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences (AMPAS)
This is the organization that puts on the Academy Awards (Oscars). The site covers AMPAS events and projects, and past and current Oscar nominees and winners.
- CelebSite
This site has biographies, birthdays, and features of a large number of celebrities. You can search the biographies, or browse by last name or category.
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Comics & Cartoons
- Daryl Cagle's Professional Cartoonists's Index
This site has links to editorial, syndicated cartoons, non-syndicated cartoons, cartoon news, and cartoonist organizations. You can see past panels of your favorite comics at this site -- most with a two week timelag. Comics include Cathy, Stone Soup, Adam, Beetle Bailey, Bizarro, Doonesbury, Dr. Katz, Mallard Fillmore, Rose is Rose, and many more.
- The Comic zone
United Media and the United Features Syndicate presents its syndicated artists and their cartoons, including some same day comics. The comics include Meg, Rose is Rose, For Better or For Worse, and more, including The Dilbert Zone.
- Jonah Weiland's Comic Book Resources
This site has more than 1000 links to other comics-related websites. It also has an active message board, chat rooms, calendars, and comics news.
- 10 Laughs a Day
This site always has ten cartoons, 2 of which are new every weekday, on the following 10 subjects: pets, business, computers, just for laughs, risque, medical, funny, law, depraved, and politics.
- Syndicated Comic Strips and Funnies
UExpress offers a nice selection of syndicated comics including the official websites of Cathy, Adam, Foxtrot, Garfield, Ziggy, and many more.
- Today's Cartoon by Randy Glasbergen
Glasbergen has a cartoon for the current day and the past week, and has links to other work he has done.
- Inter-Links Cartoons
Inter-Links presents links to many of the single cartoons and cartoon collections on the web.
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Jokes/General Humor
- Oracle Service Humor Archives
This site has a humor magazine, links to other humor sites, as well as searchable archives of jokes that are also organized into the following subjects: daily life, the long stuff (longer pieces of humor), political, computer, dirty jokes, men and women, funny lists, star trek humor, weird, and favorites.
- Smile!
This site has a daily joke, top ten list, as well as links to comics, crossword puzzles, Dave Berry, and TV plot summaries.
- Gilbert & Sullivan Parody Archive
This site contains parodies of TV shows, famous people and other subjects sung to the tunes of Gilbert & Sullivan. Parodies include "Xena; or the Warrior Princess,"I am the very model of the Microsoft executive," "He calls me his coroner (Forever Knight)," and "When you're still on the Net."
- Bob's Fridge Door
This site includes Skewpoint, a daily commentary that, on May 1lth, 1998 explained that the 1 cent postage stamp increase was to pay for more prozac for postal workers and that the US Senate was making the IRS part of the National Park Service. Cool Fridge Stuff allows you to write your own Clinton Sex Scandal story, has Internet Insanity with a number of parodies, and other fun stuff.
- The Worthless Page
This site is dedicated to finding worthless, useless, and humourous pages on the internet. The links include Marshmallow Bunny Survival Tests, the Fart Farm, Guys vs. Girls Burp Contest, Mad Cow, People Against Poodles, and more.
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Games & Gameshows
- FunPlanet
This site contains games and quizzes, and ways for you to win lots of prizes. Games include Komet, Blackjack, Masterbrain, Snake, Word Hunt, Treasure Hunt, Super Poker, and Lemonade Stand.
The gameshows from the creator of Jeopardy include Out of Order, Take 5, and Strike a Match.
- The - Gameshows
The gameshows available on this site include College Jeopardy Online, Wheel of Fortune Online, Take 5, Napolean, and Out of Order.
- Riddler's Games
You can win prizes playing these word games, trivia, crosswords, and riddles.
- TriviaWeb
A site without the flash, but with good trivia questions in a number of categories. Questions are rated for difficulty and you can keep track of how well you do, how many times each question has been answered correctly and incorrectly, and prizes are also available.
- CNN: Games & Quizzes - Daily Crossword
This crossword puzzle requires a java-enable browser.
- Video Game Zone
This site has information about Sony Playstation, Nintendo 64, and Sega Saturn video games. You can find release dates, reviews, cheat codes, FAQS, downloadable games and game demos, updates, and other related information.
- Gamepower
This online magazine contains reviews, patches, cheats, hints, first looks, and much more about video and other games.
- Cheat Code Central
This site has codes, descriptions, reviews, manuals, release dates, game endings and more for PlayStation, Nintendo 64, PC and other games.
- Cheater's Guild
This site covers PC games, PlayStation, Nintendo 64, Super SES, Sega Saturn, GameShark, and more. There is also a master index list that lets you look up a game by name, regardless of type.
- All-Game Guide
Brought to you by the same company that offers the All Music Guide and All Movie Guide, this site plans to cover every game ever created for every system ever made and to include useful descriptions and reviews along with every single tip for each game. It has made a good start. You can search by game, character, company, person, genre, or platform.
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Books, book reviews, poetry, Shakespeare, plays...
- Shakespeare
This site contains the complete works of William Shakespeare. You can search the text, there is a discussion area, links to other resources, and a glossary.
- Bible Gateway
This site allows you to search the Bible in 9 languages and six different versions, or you can search all versions at once. You can search by passage or keywords, and can restrict your search to specific books of the Bible. Otuput options include getting cross-references and/or footnotes. You can also find out what the Bible says about more than 22,000 topics.
- Project Gutenberg
This site contains hundreds of texts of books and poems in the public domain.
- Online Books Page
This site has more than 6000 listings of electronically available texts. There are more than 2500 texts available in English and listings for e-texts available in other languages. You can search by author, title, or LC subject category, or by Library of Congress call number (available in a 1.2MB downloadable file).
- Internet Public Library Online Texts Collection
This site contains over 7000 titles that can be browsed by keyword, author, title, or by Dewey Subject Classification.
- Electronic Library
This site contains thousands of titles that are copyright free or used by permission. The site is divided into ancient European literature, fiction, humor, Italian literature, non-fiction, and poetry. The texts are listed by author but may be searched by title. The site also includes copyrighted books you can order for a fee, links to biographies of, interviews with, & websites for authors.
- Humanities Text Initiative American Verse Collection
This is an archive of American poetry prior to 1920. Most of the volumes and poems are from the 19th century, with a few 18th century and early 20th century texts.
- Atlantic Monthly's Poetry Pages
This site contains selections of poetry that has been published in the Atlantic Monthly all the way back to 1857.
- Academy of American Poets
This site contains information about American poets, exhibits of their work including examples of their work and audio clips.
- Hermograph Press -- Free Magazine articles archives
This subset of the Net.Journal Directory lists magazines that offer free online articles. Although scientific and computer-related journals predominate there are a fair number of business and popular magazines represented.
- MIRAGe Readers' Advisory Links
This site has links to a lot of readers' advisory sites, including book reviews, young adult resources, bibliographies, genre sites.
- Amazon
Search for more than 1 million books by title, author, and genre. There are also booklists in more than 20 categories.
- Powell's City of Books
You can search the inventory of this large Portland, OR, bookstore or browse in over 200 categories with 6300 subsections.
- Bibliofind
This is a place to look for old, used, and rare books offered for sale by more than 2000 booksellers.
- BookBrowser
This site contains reading lists and forthcoming titles by genre.
- Bookwire
This site is published by Cahners Business Information and co-sponsored by Publisher's Weekly and the American Library Association's Library Journal and School Library Journal.
- BookWeb
This is the American Booksellers Association website.
- A Literary Index: Internet Resources in Literature
Chris Flack compiled this site that lists most of the literature-related sites on the Internet. It covers archives of electronic texts, booksellers and publishers, other literary indices, critiques and criticisms, English departments and literary institutes, and sites dealing with composition and writing.
- Barnes & Noble
You can search for books, browse bestseller lists, read book recommendations, and buy.
- BookFinder
This site contains a book shopping search engine that scans bookseller databases to find new, used, rare, and out of print books.
- Acses, Compares Online Booksellers Prices
Acses checks out prices, availability, shipping time and shipping costs of any book at over 25 online stores.
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- Ultimate Band List
You can find information about your favorite artist, radio stations, clubs & concerts, record labels, and more.
- All Music Guide
This site has plans to be the most comprehensive database of music on the Web. You can search this site by album, artist, song, style (rock, country, jazz, bluegrass, folk, new age, easy listening, gospel, rap, reggae, vocal, or world), and label. There are overviews, articles, key songs and albums, and more. Artist information includes a bio, styels and genre, similar artists, discography, as well as links to the Ultimate Band List for web links and ordering. There is also a classical version of this website that focuses on new age and classical music.
- International Lyrics Server
This is the best searchable collection of lyrics I've seen. You can search by album, artist, or song, and if you don't find what you are looking for you can add it to the Wanted list.
- Worldwide Internet Music Resources
This site of resources is by the Indiana University School of Music. It has sections on individual musicians and groups in all genres, composers and composition, genres and types of music, journals and magazines, and more.
This site lists tourdates and concerts for many groups.
- Ticketmaster Box Office
This site lists events in a wide variety of categories including music, theater, sports, museums, family events, and more.
- Performance Concert Tours Database
You can search this database by performer, venue, city, and date range.
- Musi-Cal
This is a concert calendar search engine that you can search by performer, venue, city, and event.
- MusicNewswire
This site contains stories about the music business taken from other music news sites on the net.
- Billboard
This site has daily updates, new releases dates, album and concert reviews, and the Billboard charts.
- American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP)
ASCAP is a performance rights licencing organization representing 75,000 active composer, songwriter, lyricist and music publisher members. They have a searchable database of songwriting and music licensing. and information on writers, performers, and publishers.
- Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI)
BMI is a music performing rights organization that represents songwriters and music publishers, collects their licencing fees, and has a searchable database of millions of items, updated weekly, about songwriting and music licensing.
- Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)
This site contains recent facts and figures about the US recording industry including industry issues such as intellectual property protection, shipments statistics and buyer surveys, gold and platinum album awards, and more.
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- Carol Gerten's Fine Art (CGFA) - A Virtual Art Museum
This site is an index of more than 950 artists, that includes brief biographies and more than 6000 samples of their artwork. You may search the site by keyword, an alphabetical index, by nationality, and time period. The Featured Artists section has better known artists with more examples of their work.
- Museum of Modern Art (MoMa)
This site includes samples from the MoMa collection, as well as information about their programs and store. There is audio commentary that describes the paintings and sculptures on the site (requires shockwave).
- Painters
This site has information on painters, and examples of their works, from 18 French museums. It is searchable by alphabet, region, or time period.
- World Wide Arts Resources by the Metropolitan Museum of Art
This site has links to art museums & galleries, art exhibitions, art schools and agencies, sources for art supplies, commercial arts, art history, architecture, theater, dance, art publications, crafts, and almost anything else that has to do The Arts. The Artists' Index offers examples of the work of more than 8,000 artists in 100 different categories. The categories are by period and media.
- Web Museum
This is the site where you can visit The Louvre and other Parisian museums. There are special exhibits, a tour of Paris, an artists and thematic (era) index, and a glossary. The information on the artists includes a biography, information on the thematic focus of their works, and examples of their art.
- World Art Treasures
This site has more than 100,000 slides the Jacques-Edouard Berger Foundation. They are organized into a number of different tours that include a discovery of painting (available in six languages), the grandeur of Rococo, enchanted gardens of the Renaissance, Botticelli, Vermeer, art from a variety of countries, and more.
- The National Gallery of Art
This site contains more than 10,000 works of art and selected features of artists.
- Fine Art Museum of San Francisco (FAMSF)
This site has more than 70,000 works by 15,000 artists organized in an Imagebase.
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Electronic Greeting Cards
- Toongram
Cartoon postcards that you can email to family and friends by the author/artist of Dr. Fun, David Farley. Categories include business, professional, miscellaneous, annoying, family, mishaps, office, computers, animals, travel, dogs, science, people, health, life, and bad ideas.
- BCYellowpages Birthday Cards
Send email birthday cards to friends and family.
- New Cybercity Postcards
Send greeting cards to friends and families. There are cards for almost every occasion and with a variety of musical accompaniments.
- Mail a Meal Gourmet postcards
Want to make a friend hungry? Email a postcard of a meal to fit many moods.
- Just-S0 Literary Postcards
These are email cards with a literary theme.
- Blue Mountain Arts
These electronic greeting cards are both musical and animated.
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- Digital Chef
You can search the recipes on this site, or browse the daily features, check out the theme menues and chef's showcase, explore wine, and shop for the products to make the recipes a reality. Sponsored by the Culinary Institute of America.
- Food and Eating Recipes
Drinks Recipes
Homebrewing Recipes
These are Yahoos recipes pages, with links to hundreds of recipe sites for food and drinks on the Net.
- Recipes Archive
These are recipes from the newsgroup. They are divided into 60 categories or may be searched by keyword.
- Food, Glorious Food
There are more than 25,000 recipes on Tony Lill's site. The recipes are collected from the following mailing lists by an automated system: Chili-Heads, B-B-Q, MasterCook, Eat-LF, Eat-VLF, and Bread-Bakers. They are loosely organized by category and searchable by keyword. There are also links to other recipes websites.
- Mimi's Cyber Kitchen
This site is a real mixed kitchen with everything from a searchable recipes database and resources for diabetics to mother's day cards, from helpful kitchen hints to the archives for the newsgroup.
- HomeArts
This site has content from a wide range of magazines including Good Housekeeping, Redbook, Harper's Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, and Town & Country. The site covers a wide range of home living activity, and the Eats section has a recipe finder.
- Cookie Recipes
Cake Recipes
Cookie and cake recipes by category, alphabetically, searchable. There are helpful hints, a recipe exchange, and more.
- Internet Cybercity Culinary Net
There are a lot of things on this file besides a recipe file. You can win prizes and trips, visit a farmer's market, learn about kitchen and cooking safety, learn the basics of cooking and baking, and more.
- Epicurious
This site contains more than 7,600 recipes from Bon Apétit and Gourmet magazines. There are also wine and kitchen tips, and restaurant and book notes. Epicurious is also a travel site that incorporates the resources of Condé Nast Traveler.
- I Love Cheese
This site will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about cheese, including lots of recipes.
- Chinese cookery, recipes, and cuisine
This site includes Wok Talk, how to cook perfect rice, oriental kitchenware, how to use chopsticks, and lots of recipes.
- Tufts University Nutrition Navigator
This rating guide to nutrition websites is a good place to start to find information on nutrition for different needs.
- SOAR: Searchable Online Archive of Recipes
This site has more than 38,000 recipes that can be browsed by category or searched by keyword.
- Parlin-Ingersoll Library: Cooking Sites
This site has sections on general cooking (including cooking for kids), international cuisine, specialty diets, a food & nutrition reference shelf, and links to commercial sites.
- Veggies Unite!
Really good vegetarian recipes!
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- National Forests on the Net
This is the US NationalForest Service's page that lets you search for information about the national forests by map, name, region, and state. The information available includes descriptions, fees, day hiking, trailheads, campground reservations, cabin rentals, and related information and sites.
- Nature of the Northwest
This site describes the National Forests in the Pacific NW, geology of the region, and information on ordering forest and geologic maps.
- Parknet: National Park Service
This site covers the history and culture of the national parks, and contains educational tools, information on national landmarks and historic preservation, and links to park websites, the National Archeological Database, and more.
- Great Outdoor Recreation Pages (GORP)
This site contains information and links to national parks, forests, wilderness, wildlife, hiking, biking, rafting, skiing, fishing, scuba/snorkeling, windsurfing, camping, climbing, birding, wildlife, and other outdoor activities.
- Online Highways: Your Internet Guide to Travel, Recreation and Leisure in the Pacific Northwest
You may search this guide by state/province (Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, & British Columbia), region within a state, or by topic areas that include art, education, history, natural features, lodging, music & theater, major recreation providers, products, events, outdoor activities, real estate, shopping, retirement, science, food & drink, and tourist services. This is the place to get a listing of state parks, historic monuments and buildiings, and more. You can also keyword search the site.
- Sean Lahman's Baseball Archive
This site contains everything you wanted to know about baseball, including all of the statistics from 1871 to the present, awards, records, history, economics, and information about all of the different leagues (Negro, minor, Japanese et al).
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- Party411 -- Your one-stop party planning resource
If you have questions on how to throw a shower, housewarming, wedding, or other party, this is the site to visit. You can ask quesions of the Etiquette Queen or of people visiting the interactive bulletin board. There is information on party themes, holidays, gift planning, games, corporate events, and much more.
- World Wide Collectors Digest
This site has information about all sorts of collectibles, including sports trading cards, comic books, toys, stamps & coins, figurines, memorabilia, non-sports collectibles, and more. The site has price guides, news, dealers by state, games & contests, a list of stadiums & arenas & racetracks, halls of fame, online auction, live sports scores, pro-team listings, and much more.
- Personal Trading Community
This is "the" site on the Web for buying and seling all sorts of collectibles: antiques, books, music, movies, sports, dolls, jewelry, photos, pottery & glass, toys and beanie babies, coins & stamps, and just about anything else that is collected. There are featured auctions that you may register for using your email address, chats, and more.
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