Educational and Training Resources
K12 Resources
Federal & Oregon Educational Resources
Adult Education & Literacy
Distance Learning
Online Tutoring
Training & Development

K-12 Resources on the Internet
Homework Help
- Multnomah County Library Homework Center
This site contains links to sites covering just about anything that can be assigned as homework during the K-12 years. Categories include:
African-American Sites, American History, Ancient & Classical Cultures, Animals, The Arts, Astronomy & Space, Biographies, Biology, Computers & Inventions, Costumes & Clothing, Countries & Flags, European History, Evaluating Web Sites, General Reference, Geography, Government & Politics, Health & Nutrition, History, Holidays & Celebrations, Language Arts, Literature & Authors, Maps, Mathematics, Music, Mythology & Unexplained, Native American sites, News & Current Events, Personal Finance, Regional Information, Religion, Science, Social Issues, Sports, States Information, Transportation, Wars & World History, and What is a Search Engine?. The site also has special sections for Kids and Teens, as well as links to other homework assistance websites.
- Yuckiest Site on the Internet
This site uses the technological wonders of the WWW to teach science to kids using eye-popping graphics and yucky, yet fascinating subject matter, such as cockroaches and worms, to turn site visitors into science enthusiasts.
- Librarians Index to the Internet
While not a K-12 specific site, this subject guide to great sites on the Internet is a great place to go for homework help. It is divided into about 36 major categories, some of which are arts, automobiles, business, computers, disabld, education, families, food, geography, history, health, medicine, jobs, Internet, kids, law, language, literature, libraries, media, music, organizations, people, politics, recreastion, reference desk, religion and philosophy, science, sports, women, and seniors.
- The Internet Public Library
This is another site that is not explicitly K-12 oriented, but contains a library full of resources that can be used by both students and teachers. It has a special section for youth that has sections on reading, math, science, USA (history and government), art & music, the world, fun stuff, computers and the Internet, health & nutrition, and a great reference section. The section for teens includes arts & entertainment, books & writing, college & career, clubs & organizations, computers & Internet, money matters, homework help, dating & stuff, health, issues & conflicts, sports, and style.
- How To Study
This site has links to resources on how to help high school students study, including the top 10 study guides, student experiences, study tips, controlling stress, and memory aids.
Resources for Teachers
K-12 Resources on Yahoo
Although this primarily has resources for teachers, the Student Resources section has links to a lot of homework help sites, including Yahoo!'s own Yahoo! Experts Homework Help that provides answers to student questions.
This site, developed by the Interactive Communications & Simulations program at the School of Education, University of Michigan, provides educational innovative telecommunications exercices being used by K-12 students around the world.
Creative Teaching
This site is designed to inspire teachers and has ideas to help make teaching fun for the teacher, as well as ways to inspire students to learn in a variety of subject areas.
Educational Online Sources
This page lists websites, newsgroups, and other Internet resources for teachers and kids. The resources on the site are also available by FTP and Gopher.
- edhelper.com
This site has free lesson plans and teaching tools covering math, writing, science, technology, social studies, etc. for grades one through 12. Categories range from animals and arts to geography and grammar, from literature and mathematics to space and special ed.
The Educational Resources Information Center has abstracts to articles covering a wide variety of educational topics.
- ENC Focus Magazine
The Eisenhower National Clearinghouse produces this magazine for teachers. It has professional resources and articles covering children's literature, family assessment, informal education and much more.
- Web66: A K12 World Wide Web Project
This site is designed to be a catalyst that will faciliate the introduction of of Internet technology into K12 school curricula. The site includes links to an International Registry of Schools on the WebThe goals of the Web66 project are to:
- To help K12 educators learn how to set up their own Internet servers.
- To link K12 web servers and the educators and students at those schools.
- To help K12 educators find and use K12 appropriate resources on the web.

Federal & Oregon Educational Resources
- State of Oregon Education Page
This page includes links to the Oregon Department of Education, Oregon Public Education Network, Oregon State System of Higher Education, elementatary and secondary schools websites, Oregon pubclic and private higher education websites, and other educational resources.
- CascadeLink's Educational Area Resources
This site provides resources for those involved in education in Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington Counties in Oregon, and Clark county in Washington. This site contains links to regional public and private elementary, middle school, high school, college & university websites. It also has sections on Teacher Tools, Library & Media Centers, and Educational Organizations & Agencies.
- US Department of Education
This site contains information about funding opportunities, financial aid applications and guides, Title IV School Codes, departmental studies, reports and programs, ERIC Digests, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, National Center for Educational Statistics, searchable database of Department of Education publications in ERIC and much more.

Adult Education and Literacy Resources on the Internet
- LINCS: National Institute for Literacy Home Page
This site lists literacy resources on the web, literacy discussion groups and forums, regional and state litercy hubs, and litercy-related directories.
- Literacy Online
This site has links to literacy centers and conferences around the world, including the National Center on Adult Literacy (US), Africa Regional Literacy Forum, Second Asia Regional Literacy Forum, and more. The website offers a number of documents written about literacy available in HTML and Adobe Acrobat pdf formats.
- Yahoo Adult and Continuing Education Links
- Elearning Post
Daily news about corporate learning, community building, instructional design, knowledge management, personalization and more.
- e-learning Magazine
This site has information about building and delivering advanced learning environments for business, government, and higher education, including news, case studies, research reports, in-depth technology articles, and expert columns.

Distance Learning Resources
- DEOS-L: International Discussion Forum for Distance Learning
This active discussion list is sponsored by the American Center for Study of Distance Education and has more than 1325 subscribers in 48 countries.
- Distance Eductation Clearinghouse, University of Wisconsin Extension
Although the site is focused on a lot of Wisconsin-related resources, the site also includes the distance learning certification program, employee training and learning organizations, bibliographies on distance learning, as well as links to professional organizations, conferences, and links to other sites.
- Distance Learning on the Net by Glenn Hoyle
This guide covers distance learning resources for K12, colleges, adult education, and corporations. It lists distance learning sites, conferences & seminars, and accrediting agencies. It also has examples of online courses and administration.
- Teaching and Learning on the WWW
This site has over 777 examples of how the web is being used as a
medium for learning. This searchable collection includes sites that directly relate to a specific class, courses delivered entirely via the web, activities related to a class assignment, course related materials, and much more.
- World Lecture Hall
The World Lecture Hall (WLH) contains links to pages created by faculty worldwide who are using the Web to deliver class materials. For example, you will find course syllabi, ssignments, lecture notes, exams, class calendars, multimedia textbooks, etc.
- Freeclass
This site is a guide for helping you get online & distance learning education. It lists free courses, primarily technology/Internet related such as DreamWeaver and Java, and distance learning schools,
- Impact of the Internet on Learning and Teaching
Professor Hossein Arsham taught the first online course at University of Baltimore, the first university to offer an all-online accredited web MBA program. This site examines how to run an all online course, what to expect from students, and vice versa, and much more, including an excellent resource list.

Training and Development Resources
- Training and Development Resource Center
This site contains a comprehensive set of training and development tools available on the Internet, including more
than 50 non-commercial training-related web sites, Usenet newsgroups, listserves, e-mail addresses for training-related organizations and publications, job opportunities,, and more.
- The Training Registry
This is a directory of training resources. It list training providers alphabetically and by locale, speakers, facilities, associations, books & publications, and courses.
- Instructional Design and Training
This page has a listof links for training, instructional design, technology training, and multimedia educational design.
- American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)
This site describes the society's programs, publications, discussion groups, and products and services.
- International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI)
ISPI is an association dedicated to improving productivity and performance in the workplace through human performance improvement. The site describes the society's programs, services, and publications.

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