Consumer Products Resources
General Consumer Information
Product Reviews & Comparisons
Miscellaneous Consumer Resources

Consumer Product Reviews and Comparisons
- CompareNet: The Interactive Buyer's Guide
This site allows you to compare one product to another, or one product to several products. You can choose the kinds of functions, features, and prices you want for a particular product and see what products fit your requirements. The broad categories include automotive, electronics, home & garden, home office, software & peripherals, sports & leisure, and services. Coverage in some areas, such as software & peripherals, was spotty at the time of this review.
- Consumer Reports Online
This is the website for the acclaimed product review magazine. You can search the site and get some highlights free, however full use of the website, including reading reviews, requires a paid subscription.

General Consumer Information
- Consumer Information Center, Pueblo, CO.
This is the website where you can get US government consumer publications free or for a small fee. General categories include cars, food & nutrition, children, money, employment, small business, health, travel & hobbies, federal programs, housing, and miscellaneous. The 1997 Consumer's Resource Handbook is also available on the site by section Adobe Acrobat pdf format, HTML, and ASCII text formats. Each section also lists additonal resources for each topic.
- Consumer World
This site has gathered over 1700 of the most useful consumer
resources on the Internet, and categorized them for easy access. It has a hot consumer sites list and a directory that covers Consumer Agencies, Consumer Resources, Company Connection, Travel & Entertainment, Money & Credit, Bargains & Offers, Shopt 'Til You Drop (product reviews & comparisons), and Internet Wonders. This is a very good consumer information metasite.
- US Consumer Gateway
This is the US government's consumer information metasite. It contains the Consumer's Resource Handbook, scam and fraud alerts, information about phone slamming and the Year 2000 computer problem, and much more.

Miscellaneous Consumer Resources
These are places you may want to check out when you travel or want to locate a business, or mail a package, etc.
- Maps On Us
This is a "Map, Route and Yellow Pages Service." This is my favorite way to find hotels and restaurants in cities I am visiting. I can choose a central point, such as a conference site, and then search for all of the hotels surrounding it for a radius of miles that I determine. You get the answers in both list and map format with the closest businesses listed first. Of course this can also be used to find shoe repair shop, printing and copies businesses, and much more. The program will also plot your route for how to get to the business.
- AmeriCom Long Distance Area Decoder
This site will give you the location of a city by its phone number or the dialing information (codes and instructions) for a city (US or international).
- Yellow and White Pages of the World
This Finnish site has a great list of sites that carry yellow and white pages listings for countries around the world. It also includes email address directories.
- Switchboard
This is one of the few phone directories where you don't need to know the general location (state or city) of a business or person in order to try to find it when searching by name.
- AnyWho Reverse Phone Number Search
This AT&T directory service includes a reverse directory feature, where you can type in a phone number and get the name and address of residential, business phone, business fax, or toll free numbers. The data sources are published phone books. AnyWho also has White Pages, Yellow Pages, Toll Free Numbers, and Websites.
- Zip Code Lookup
This is the US Postal Service's zip code lookup site. If you have an address you can find the zip code plus 4 number. Or you can find out what zip codes are associated with different cities and states. If you need to know about US postal rates around the world or other USPS information, visit the main website at http://www.usps.gov/.
- Federal Express
You can order Federal Express service and track your packages through this site.
- United Parcel Service (UPS)
You can order UPS service and track your packages through this site.
- Internet Public Library Ready Reference Collection
This site provides links to almanacs, maps, dictionaries, encyclopedias, quotations, literature sies, statistics, and much much more.
- Currency Converter
OANDA sponsors this currency converter which can be searched in four languages and provides both current and past (back to 1990) exchange rates for more than 172 currencies.
- Kelley Blue Book
You can find both new car prices and used car values on the website of the prestigious Kelley Blue Book.
- Dead People's Server
Ever wonder if someone famous is alive or dead? This site lists celebrities who are, are rumored to be, or might plausibly be dead, and gives you the truth on the matter.
- Convert It! The Math Conversion Page.
This site provides conversion tables for just about everything, including length, area, metrology, fluid or liquide equivalents, volume capacity, mass, velocity, acceleration, pressure, energy, and power. The site requires java script capability.
- Today's Date and Calendars
This page shows today's date in a variety of calendar systems and has links to a wide variety of calendar and calendar conversion pages, including perpetual calendars.
- iOwn: Home Mortgage Loans
This site contains information on how to find a home, find a realtor, shop for mortgage rates, compare US school districts on over 100 characteristics, evaluate over 39,700 cities and towns on more than 250 characteristics, renting vs. buying and more.
- Realtor.com
This site has daily news, a resource library, mortgage rates, information on how to find a home and realtor, listings from the Realtor's Multiple Listings Service, and more information on buying a home.
- Homestore
Homestore has information on just about anything for your home. It has homes for sale, apartments and rentals, manufactured housing, senior living, finance, home improovement, welcome wagons, lawn and garden, kitchens, tools, and much more.
- Monster Moving
Formerly known as Virtual Relocation, this is another great site containing relocation resources. It is unique in providing information about relocating internationally. It has city comparisons and rankings and cost of living analyses in addition to the more traditional information about mortgages, renting, movers, etc.

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Last updated: July 26, 2001
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